Maximize your earning potential with online coaching in a fraction of the time of in-person coaching. Use the calculator for a glimpse into your future. What will you do with all the time you’ll save? Hourly Rate Calculator - To Market ($5/c/m + 2.9%) How many clients do you have? * 30clients0clients60clients How much do you charge each client per month? 400/ month$50.00/ month$750.00/ month How much time do you spend coaching each client? Be sure to include commute time along with setup/tear down/changeover time. * 130minutes / week20minutes / week240minutes / week What do you currently pay for online coaching services and transaction fees across all clients? 300/ month$0.00/ month$600.00/ month Current Hourly Earnings Hourly Earnings with TurnKey Coach Time saved each week hours New Monthly Earning Potential If you are human, leave this field blank. Next